Monday, March 19, 2012

Snowballs and My Weekend Warriors

We had the most beautiful weather this past weekend!
Jackson got in lots of outside play time.

Jackson would stay outside from sun up to sun down.
He was finally able to get his gator our and ride it around the yard
and Austin walked right with him in case he needed a little boost.

The shoes were off and he was ready to play...

He had so much fun running and climbing all over the yard.

We laughed because it seemed like the grass was turning green
right before our eyes.

My Azalea bush is getting ready to bloom.

Lots and lots of little pink blooms  ready to burst.
I noticed the other day that some of the azalea's in town 
have already bloomed and started to fade already.
I think the groundhog was wrong this year...
we have definitely had a mild winter and spring
has made an early arrival.

Scott worked on his lawnmower this weekend
getting ready for his other full time job of the summer...
the yard!
He bought a spray tank this week to add to his lawn care
arsenal and worked this weekend to attach it to his lawnmower.
I laughed a little, because he really would like to have one of those
zero-turn lawnmowers but can't justify spending the money
unless something happens to his mower.
And even when it did break down, he worked to fix it
instead...still can't spend the money.
I told him now that he made this neat little attachment
for his spray tank, the mower would die,
he would finally give in and buy a new mower,
and have to build something else to make it work.
(He gave me a dirty look)

But now he is all ready to spray the weeds and 
get some fertilizer out!

Another one of Scott's weekend projects was
to fix the downspout between the 
garages.  When it would rain, the water would
shoot out of the middle of the downspout,
so,  Scott spent the morning digging it our and
re-routing the drain.  He also dug out a tree
root that had been in the flower bed.
Last spring, our only tree was snapped off at the base
when a big storm came through and we had not put anything
back in it's place.

I decided that I would like to have a snowball
bush in the yard and this seemed like a good place
to put one.  I can't wait for it to grow larger and 
"hide" the downstairs garage from the street.

All planted, filled in and mulched up.

Now waiting for it to grow, grow, grow
so I can use some of the big beautiful blooms around the house.

I do not have a green thumb, but every spring I get the 
urge to go and buy lots and lots of flowers and plants
and put them everywhere...
I think our snowball bush is a great start.

Hope you were able to get out and enjoy some 
sunshine where you are this weekend...


  1. Oooooohhhh...I want a snowball hydrangea bush, too!! Please send Scott this way ASAP! Actually, I wish I had like TEN of those bad boys around the house because I would be cuttin' on 'em constantly! One of these days I'm going to sit down with a landscaper and get my act together. I don't have so much of a green thumb, either, but I'm sure there are plenty of relatively "self-sufficient" plantings that can fill the yard! Thanks for stopping by earlier, and have a great week admiring your new snowballs in the heat!

  2. Your snowball will be gorgeous. I have always wanted an old fashioned snowball bush.

  3. Ah, those weekend projects are one of the "joys"/necessary evils of home ownership, but well worth the effort! You will certainly enjoy your hydrangea, I'm sure.

    BTW, I love the name of your blog. My daughter is the lady in her any-day-now-to-be-three-men household, and I know she has many fun days ahead like you do! Thanks for stopping by today.
